Kaishi Hime-Go do Tibiquary
Akita Inu
Kaishi Hime-Go do Tibiquary
Akita Inu
Sexo Fêmea
Nascimento: 17/01/2016
Cor Vermelho
Descendentes: 3
Akashi Go Yamada
Banshu Maru de Yamada
Gin Sora Hime Del Samurai
Tenpou Go Musashi Aiwa
Mimi Go Musashi Aiwa
Bizen Maru de Yamada
Ginka San Del Samurai
Haruka Hime-Go do Tibiquary
Seiryo Egao Go of Fighting Dog
Bijin-Go do BR Utrecht
Kaito Go Shirai
Kaishi Amai Go Of Fighting Dog
Natsuko-Go do Tibiquary
Kayo Takeo S.R.Z.